Saturday, January 30, 2010


A quick hello to kick this thing off.... The aim of this blog is to provide a thought or three for people to absorb, chew on, learn from, disregard, mull over, or grok on... hopefully it adds a little something to your day.

General format will be a quote from some corner of the writing/music/film world, a few thoughts on said quote, and then maybe a hope for the day...  an alternative kind of 'meditation for the day' thang. Many of those books/sites are cool, and much can be gained from them... but most of them, smack a bit too much of religious zeal or general woundedness por moi.

Hence... Qout'id.

Hope you like this, or it helps a little, or it makes you smile... or some combination thereof.

At the very least, I hope this finds you well.

See you soon -

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