Tuesday, March 2, 2010

2nd of March

“One will rarely err if extreme actions be ascribed to vanity, ordinary actions to habit, and mean actions to fear.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Though the man may have not had the fluffiest, happiest worldview in recorded history, he did have keen insight. In this assertion, more than most. 

Thinking about this quote in regards to the wide array of humans, is helpful, maybe in that I can look at situations with an extra perspective, a little more understanding. But where I may get the most out of it, is by looking at my actions in light of the above. Are there exceptions to what he is saying? Of course. But, looking over my past, I can say that, in quite a few instances, he is spot on.

Extreme actions” can be negative extreme actions, but I take his meaning to be more of the 'larger than life' moments... most of these, in my life, have been because I wanted to be seen doing them, I think. With few exceptions. 

Habits are habits, specific to each person, and therefore, what is usual to one, may not be usual to another. 

The “mean actions” are the most interesting to me.... In almost every instance I can think of where I have been mean to someone, or mean in the sense of being small-minded or petty, I have been fearful. There may have been other things going on, too, but the primary ingredient has usually been fear. Think about it in your own life. From being out-and-out harsh to someone down to mild gossiping about someone, there is a significant part that is driven by fear. Whether they make you question yourself, or by their actions challenge your worldview... the essential piece in saying 'you are wrong', in a mean way, is usually, I think, saying 'am I right?' This is totally outside of trying to help someone see something a certain way, or teaching... It is talking them down, or lashing out. In the more extreme example of physical aggression or violence, it is clearly almost always a response to being or feeling threatened. Cornered animals will attack why? Because they are afraid.

If you can take away the adrenaline rush that comes from fear, your world will be a decidedly calmer place. It is truly amazing what you can do if you take fear out of the equation. At the very least (and by 'least' I mean elemental), it is much easier to not lash out, to be kind. That is a pretty excellent springboard for just about anything. 

the Keeper (word to think about/keep with me for a bit)
Mean” - adj. 1.) spiteful and petty; unkind. 2.) ignoble; base. 3.) low in quality or grade; low in value or amount. 

I hope to not be mean in any way, shape, or form today. May I be free of fear. 

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