Friday, March 5, 2010

4th of March

Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts.”    Plotinus

...“But if men and women are up from beasts and on their way to gods, they are in the meantime rather tragic figures. Poised between the two extremes, they are subjected to the most violent of conflicts. No longer beast, not yet god – or worse, half-beast, half-god: there is the soul of mankind. Put another way, humankind is an essentially tragic figure with a beautifully optimistic future – if they can survive the transition.”
- Ken Wilber (from Up From Eden)

I don't believe myself to be either god or beast, but I do recognize the parts of myself that lean a little more toward unrestrained nature, or conversely, do things on a more thoughtful, more selfless level. When I find myself in some sort of quandary, I generally have these two parts in the mix, both wanting their way. I don't see one or the other as being better necessarily, they just are. I suppose I hold the thoughtful in higher esteem, the trick is not to view the natural impulse as completely negative.  

As such, my aim is generally more toward the thoughtful side of things, but the other side has its place, too. I suppose, once again, balance is the key here. Though my idea of balance here, is not an even split; more of a focus on trying to be thoughtful, with the understanding that the beastie side is not a bad thing in and of itself. If I take care of my basic, elemental needs, then I am in a better position to do for others, and have more room in general to be thoughtful. 

I have to say, I love Wilber's view of humans as being 'essentially tragic with a beautifully optimistic future' – beautifully put. 

the Keeper (word to think about/keep with me for a bit)
"Quandary” - n. 1.) a state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.

I hope to avoid quandary as much as is possible, and to have my many parts in balance, so as to manifest the more optimistic side of things. 

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