Thursday, February 18, 2010

18th of February

“To express is to drive.  And when you want to give something presence, you have to consult nature. And there is where Design comes in. And if you think of Brick, for instance, and you say to Brick, "What do you want, Brick?" 

And Brick says to you, "I like an Arch."

And if you say to Brick, "Look, arches are expensive, and I can use a concrete lentil over you... What do you think of that?"

“. . . ."


Brick says: "... I like an Arch." ”
- Louis Kahn

Everything has its place, its proper manifestation. Just as a poem, short story, novel, film, painting, photograph, or fireside regaling might be the best form for a certain story, so too do people have their proper mode. And by “proper”, I do not mean for a second 'fitting in with society's expectations'... I mean 'best possible path' or 'highest manifestation' for the person at hand. 'Best' and 'Highest' are problematic words, in that they are loaded with all sorts of hierarchical blah, but, in their truest meaning - for each individual – they are a good reference point. 

Let's say Person A is an all-around addict. A total fiend. They, at one stage in their life, might make the argument that they are an addict, and addicts wallow in their addictions... this is what they do, says Person A. Maybe. But, at another stage in their life, they might decide that the drug/food/exercise/sex/what have you, is actually dragging them down, keeping them from doing 'what it is they're supposed to do'.... They get clean, straight, centered, or the like, and begin to realize some other part of themselves. Some would say they are being 'true to their nature', at this point. Which is it? It can cut both ways, obviously... but you have all seen someone on both sides of this particular example.... most would probably agree that, if an addict, sober is the way to go. It tends to be more constructive. Other than the poet John Berryman, I cannot think of an example where this wouldn't be true. And, I'm not even sure about that. 

So, like Brick, we all have a thing we want to be, consciously or otherwise... we all have a mode/job/thing to be or do that is the highest expression of ourselves, the best that we can be. If we get past the Hallmarkishness of this statement, and really sit with it, it is a bit startling. Can be quite scary, really.

Pretty sure Mr. Kahn would consider only two options: the highest/best form, or not at all. The middling compromise is not really worth it, AND it goes against the nature of the thing (or person). The end result is disappointing if you don't honor what it wants to be.... Sounds right to me. 

Then it comes down to this: “What is your nature? What and who are you?  Then... you just act accordingly.  “Just”.

the Keeper (word to think about/keep with me for a bit)
Realize” - v. 1.) become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand fully. 2.) cause (something desired or anticipated) to happen. 3.) to give actual or physical form to.

I hope to fearlessly realize my best self, to be the thing I am supposed to be – whatever that may be. 

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