Saturday, February 20, 2010

20th of February

"What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?"
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

It is probably the elemental thing to live your life by... quite a few of the “rules” out there, be they philosophical, religious, societal, or familial, either boil down to, or are superseded by kindness. If you are as kind as you know how to be at every turn in your day, most of those rules fall away... or are taken care of by said kindness.

It is a funny word, because it is simple in that people can easily point to kindness, or the lack thereof... but it is a word that contains a number of things. It is treating people well, of course... do unto others, and whatnot... but it has a softness to it, and an understanding or sympathy that is in there, too. Being thoughtful. Having empathy. There is a little bit of advantage vs. disadvantage, too. You can be kind to people that are in a great space I suppose, but most of the time, it seems to carry with it the sense of helping someone less fortunate in any number of ways.

the Keeper (word to think about/keep with me for a bit):
Thoughtful” - adj. 1.) showing consideration for the needs of other people. 2.) showing careful consideration or attention.

I hope to be kind, thoughtful, and aware today.

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