Tuesday, February 23, 2010

23rd of February

 “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
- Mahatma Gandhi

As I think about this quote, I think it is fundamentally spot on. Not surprising, considering its source. The man generally knew of what he spoke. But, to really get in there and run through the last week or so, with this quote in mind... there may be some other types of Happiness, sure, but essentially, these three things being in harmony, equal being comfortable in your own skin, I think. And that is definitely a brand of Happy, for me.

And, I suppose you could have think/say/do in alignment for the negative, which would probably not make for a whole boatload of happy, but let's forego that particular interpretation for the moment. Thinking horrible things, saying horrible things, and doing horrible things, would make for an aligned human of sorts... and maybe there are those who would find happiness in that state, but I don't think I want to hang out with those people. 

I certainly think that the absence of harmony, regarding think/say/do, results in no happy. If I am talking pleasantly to a friend, customer, client, or family member, but am riled up inside my head, agitated about them, or something else, I am effectively split into parts, and on some level, being false to myself and to the situation. No happy.

When I am surrounded by what is meaningful, and focused on what is meaningful to me and to others... working toward some meaningful goal, big or small... this is generally when I find that I am in alignment, that what I am thinking about, what I am talking about, and what I am doing all are in-step.

It helps to focus on my part in things, as I can occasionally be distracted by other people's business... if I allow myself to get up in other people's stuff, or speak ill of other people, it chips away at my alignment, my serenity, my happiness. Chips away at me. 

If I can manage to set my default to kindness on a daily basis, then what I am thinking about, talking about, and, most importantly, doing... is rooted in kindness. This generally makes for the happiest me... and as has been noted before, here and elsewhere, me being happy, being aligned and comfortable in my own skin, generally spreads to those around me. 

This is a good thing.

the Keeper (word to think about/keep with me for a bit)
Alignment” - n. 1.) arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions. 2.) a position of agreement or alliance.

I hope to be aligned in the most positive, productive, and ultimately satisfying way for myself and those around me.

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